How to avoid sinning

how to avoid sinning

God has shown us how to avoid sinning in the Bible. One of the earliest tips is found in Genesis 13. Abraham (then called Abram) and his close relative Lot were traveling together searching for a new home for their families and possessions. Contention arose between them, and Abram suggested that they part company. He … Read more

What is a Smoking Flax

smoking flax

A smoking flax in the Bible is a clear reference to the kind of lights people used to light their homes in ancient times. Lamps then were simple devices that consisted of four things. A flammable oil, oxygen, a fabric wick, and a container such as a bowl or bottle to provide enough oil to … Read more

Backsliding Christian

backsliding christian

The parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15.11-31) serves as God’s pattern for a backsliding Christian who chooses to return to his father’s house. For those who don’t know the story, here’s what happened: The son weakly yielded to temptations to enjoy worldly pleasures In time he saw the error of his ways and returned … Read more