How to Read the Bible (for beginners)

This is a quickstart post for beginners wanting to know how to read the Bible with understanding. Here are four things that can make a big difference as you start out:

  • Use a Bible version that’s comfortable for you
  • Pray, asking God to help you as you begin
  • Expect to hear his answer as you read
  • Stay in the New Testament for now

Choose the right Bible

First, find a version of the Bible that’s comfortable for you to read. If you’re attending a church, ask what version they’re using – starting with the pastor. It makes it easier to follow along during meetings. I started with the King James Version with wide margins for notes, and so am comfortable with its old English to this day. For modern English, the New International Version (NIV) would be my choice.

Ask and expect God to help you while you read

This and the next point are absolutely essential. The Bible is unlike any other book. It’s the written word of the living God. The printed words on the pages are only so much ink, until HE breathes them to life in your heart and mind. He’s… a “rewarder of them who diligently seek him” (Heb 11.6). Be sure to seek him diligently!

Start in the New Testament

The Bible is divided into two parts called the Old and New Testaments. Both are fully the Word of God, but the New Testament starts with the life and ministry of Jesus. For beginners wanting to know how to read the Bible, that’s a great place to start. The first four books tell the story of the Lord’s time on earth. The first three – Matthew, Mark and Luke – are similar. The fourth one – John – is very different, and is a favorite of many Christians. By the way, my first experience with the Bible started by reading Matthew. I became a Christian about half-way through.