What is the Wisdom of God?

Don’t confuse the wisdom of God with the wisdom of the world. The wisdom of God is a miraculous impartation directly from God, and the wisdom of the world is not. Both wisdoms have to do with applying knowledge skillfully, but the two are at odds with each other. The wisdom of the world often values material and social success in this life only, with little or no care for what the Bible says. The wisdom of God on the other hand, says that a man’s life doesn’t consist of material wealth, and that the wisdom of this world is in fact “foolishness with God“.

Evidences of the Wisdom of God include:

  • Attuned to God’s spirit rather than lists of behaviors
  • Usually a quiet and confident demeanor
  • Quick to quote or refer to scripture
  • Little or no interest in popular television, news or other worldly activities
  • Not concerned with what others think of him/her
  • Not a crowd follower or pleaser
  • Sometimes persecuted, even by other Christians
  • Not a fancy dresser or big spender
  • Often owns a modest home, car, etc.
  • Doesn’t feel at home in this life – John 12.25

How to be wise?

Christians who lack wisdom are specifically encouraged to ASK GOD FOR WISDOM in James 1.5. He’s very happy to impart this to his children over time!! Gods wisdom flows from God or it doesn’t happen! If you’re a Christian, be sensitive to any life choices that can happen without God. Eg. happiness, financial success, marital success, etc. These can be subtle but powerful temptations to keep us from living in the fullness of the Lord. The point for Christians isn’t about getting all that the world has to offer. The point is your walk with God and your success in the Kingdom of God. The joy of the Lord trumps any happiness the world has to offer. If you’re not a Christian, then become one now and begin to seek God’s will and guidance in everything you do!

Faithful in a few things

If you’re afraid to write in your Bible, then get another Bible. Never fail to underline or write notes in the margin when God shows you something. He speaks to those of his children who HEAR him, and who will take his words seriously. When you notate his words or better yet memorize them, he’ll give you more words. When you don’t and later forget the lesson, he’ll stop and find someone else “who’s heart is perfect toward him“. If you’re new to this, GOD SPEAKS TO HIS CHILDREN! It’s up to each of us to learn his voice. People who are serious do that. People who’d rather watch television or play video games don’t.

God will teach us wisdom when we ask him to with the right motives. That includes hearing his voice in our spirit – especially when reading the Bible, but there are other ways too. In Romans 5.3 we’re told that “Tribulation works patience“. Pastors love to remind their flocks that when they pray for patience, God will answer by giving them tribulations. The same can apply when asking for wisdom. Don’t be surprised to find an increase in trying life-circumstances right after you pray for his wisdom! Remember to thank him for it, and be sure to learn the lesson each time, whatever it is. Otherwise, guess what the next class will be about!

Professing themselves to be wise…

Finally, if you want to have God’s wisdom, never EVER describe yourself as being wise. That includes any combination of words intended to leave the listener with even a hint that you are. About fifteen years ago I created a secular website about a small local topic. There was very little competition and the site quickly rose to the number one spot for that search on Google. I got the bright idea to point that fact out on my home page. To my dismay, a few days later I found that Google had removed my site from their search results altogether! God is similarly unwilling to be used to satisfy any person’s ego. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1.22). The key then is to remember that the moment you become aware of this gift, you lose it. God knows how to handle that, so if you’re serious about moving in God’s wisdom, expect to feel his humbling hand in your life in an ongoing way.