Who is Jesus

Jesus is the son of God born of the virgin Mary as described in the four gospel accounts of the New Testament. His life and ministry on earth included many roles, including prophet, teacher and moral example. The most important though, was his atoning sacrifice on a Roman cross. His death, and specifically the shedding of his blood, paid for the sins of any and all who accept that gift in faith.

Jesus lived a life not unlike any other working Jew in the middle east two-thousand years ago. We Christians accept the fact though, that his life wasn’t marred by sin as all others were and are today. In his life he was severely tested, including his temptation at Gethsemane just before his trial and death at the hands of the Roman authorities in Jerusalem.

After his death on the cross, Jesus rose from the dead after three days in the tomb and walked among his disciples. Later he ascended to be with the father. The Holy Spirit then descended onto the church. This enabled them with gifts and manifestations intended to assist them with the the “Great Commission”. Their job was to evangelize the world with the good news that Christ had reigned victorious over sin and death.

The Second Coming of Christ

Jesus prophesied that in the future he will return to earth to end the present age. He included several signs that we should watch for, many of which are happening around us today. Remember though, that the first Christians who knew Jesus before he died believed that they were living in the end times. The same has been true of Christians through the centuries since then. The lesson of his prophesies then, is to always be ready. We never know the day or the hour when he will return.